Eco-friendly Cleaning of Medical Practices.

A first of its kind in the UK market interactive e-Book.

Make it stand out.

Discover the revolutionary approach to maintaining a sterile environment with our eBook. It describes how to clean small and medium sized medical practices using cheaper than traditional, modern and eco-friendly solutions.

Oh, and there is a valuable short video on how to replace signing paper copies of cleaning schedules with a simple, mobile app.

Not to mention a table containing a list of materials and equipment you have to have in the cleaner's cupboard and many more useful titbits of information which will help you simplify general cleaning duties and, what is so important in the current world, to lower your carbon footprint.

Greener way of life.

Inside the eBook you will find links to nine short tutorial videos that can be used directly to teach your cleaners techniques that could save their time, save our environment and save... your money.